Would You, Will They? How a Will Shares Your Wishes


Make a Will

I’ve been reading a lot of articles and blogs written about making a will lately, and they all pretty much say the same thing. Wills are simple to create, yet most Americans don’t have one. This legal document is vitally important


Let’s talk about the end.  One day you’re going to die.  It’s a fact of life that we’re all going to die.  I sincerely hope that day is a long way off, but in the meantime, a little planning will make things a lot easier on yourself and your family.

Don’t Be the Barnacle

Is it time for a reset?

No doubt about it, 2020 has taken its toll on people. It will be remembered as the year that everyone wants to forget.

It has caused untold costs in social, political, physical, emotional, financial, and for some people even spiritual, wellness. Some people have been through – well, hell. There is no other way to say it.

Giving Thanks and Giving Back – What’s in it for me?

As we enter the season most associated with giving thanks and giving back, I have been reflecting on the meaning of the terms “philanthropy” and “charity.”  Many of us are moved at this time of year to be generous. We want to express our gratitude for the good things that have come our way, to share in the “wealth,” so to speak. Others are seeking rewards in the form of tax breaks or other incentives.

What To Do If Your Budget is Broken

I’ve been there. After a messy expensive divorce in which I made a few costly emotional decisions, the financial implosion of 2008, a layoff, and a huge rent increase all in the same year (and I thought 2020 is bad!), I hit my financial bottom.  My bank account was perilously low, my credit cards had high balances, I had no job, and my expenses had increased dramatically.

Is Your Financial Plan in Step with Your Life Goals?

Financial Planning

If you are reading this blog, you most likely have already created your financial roadmap to the future, but it bears reminding that even the best laid plans can change in a moment. How long has it been since you reevaluated your plan? Is it in step with your life goals as they stand now?


Are you ready for what comes next?

2020 . . . A pandemic. Fires. Earthquakes. Floods. Hurricanes and tornadoes. Social unrest. Political acrimony. Economic peril.  What else can possibly go wrong??

Everything. And anything.

As we enter September, we are only three-quarters of the way through this tumultuous year. And although the month was not originally named for so many wide-ranging and far-reaching crises, it is apropos that September is National Preparedness Month.

2018 New Year’s Financial Resolutions

Ringing In the New Year

We’re just days away from ringing in the new year! It’s that time of year for resolutions… get in shape, tackle a cluttered garage, eat better, etc. In my work as a Daily Money Manager, I hear all sorts of Financial New Year’s Resolutions. Here are some of my favorites as well as practical advice on how to achieve them.

Bye Bye 2016 Tax Returns

Hello 2017 Tax Planning

The 2016 tax return season is officially behind us. Well, unless you filed an extension. For many of my clients (and my staff), we’re breathing a sigh of relief. We’ve spent hours sifting through paperwork, downloading transactions, categorizing expenses, and preparing reports. If this year’s tax prep was a major drain (and pain), let’s look at what you can do now to make next year easier.

The Debits & Credits of Bullet Journals

Bullet JournalsFor some, budgeting is an exciting journey, exploring where one’s money goes each month. Others, well… let’s just say they’d prefer cleaning their bathroom over creating a budget and reviewing it each month. A bullet journal may be the way to turn those debits and credits into a healthy and helpful game. Let’s take a look at what they are, what they do, and the different types available.